Eduardo Iraola
Recognised Researcher, Barcelona Supercomputing Center

I am a researcher with an interdisciplinary engineering background and a passion for artificial intelligence and coding. My primary focus is on using machine learning to analyze time series data for digital twin tools and insights that help us understand the state of a system and predict any potential issues.

Work Experience

Barcelona Supercomputing Center
2023 - present
Recognised Researcher
Workflows and Distributed Computing Group
Inprocess Technology and Consulting Group
2019 - 2023
Research Machine Learning Engineer
Center for the Design of Industrial Equipment (CDEI)
2018 - 2019
Automation Engineer
Center for Technological Innovation in Static Converters (CITCEA)
2017 - 2018
Electrical Engineering Research Fellowship


Imperial College London
2022 - present
Academic Visitor
Optimisation and Machine Learning for Process Systems Engineering Group
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
2019 - present
Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering
Applying machine learning to Nuclear and Process Engineering
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
2016 - 2019
M.Sc. Industrial Engineering , Minor: Robotics, Automation and Simulation
Universidade da Coruña
2012 - 2016
B.Sc. Industrial Engineering , Minor: Energy Technologies


  • Machine Learning end-to-end library. Used Python and Fortran to interface a commercial chemical engineering simulator and generate data from it to later use it for machine learning. Coded Python classes to handle hyperparameter tuning in TensorFlow, Pytorch and Scikit-Learn and benchmark different anomaly detection solutions, including hypothesis testing, random trees, feedforward neural networks, autoencoders and recurrent neural networks , 2021-2022
  • Magnetohydrodynamic solver. Contributed a solver to the open-source software OpenFOAM with C++ code to account for new physical phenomena for the PhD course in CFD with OpenSource software of Hakan Nilsson from Chalmers University of Technology , fall 2020
  • VB.NET extension of a chemical engineering simulator. Migrated from legacy VB6 code and programmed routines to add functionality to dynamic simulation operations , spring 2019
  • International cooperation microgrid project. Selected, travelled and set up an AC/DC converter to serve as the core of a prototype microgrid to connect isolated rural areas to the main grid in Bangladesh , summer 2018


The solubility of helium in lead–lithium eutectic alloy, 2022, Nuclear Materials and Energy
L. Sedano , G. A. Esteban , M. Cavaro , E. Iraola , A. Abdulrahman , L. Batet , M. Guasch
Liquid metal MHD flow influence on heat transfer phenomena in fusion reactor blankets, 2021, Fusion Engineering and Design
D. Suarez , E. Iraola , C. Lampón , E. Mas de les Valls , L. Batet
Dynamic simulation tools for isotopic separation system modeling and design, 2021, Fusion Engineering and Design
E. Iraola , J. M. Nougués , L. Sedano , J. A. Feliu , L. Batet
SMART_TC: an R&D Programme on uses of artificial intelligence techniques for tritium monitoring in complex ITER-like tritium plant systems, 2021, Fusion Engineering and Design
E. Iraola , L. Sedano , J. M. Nougués , J. A. Feliu , B. Coya , L. Batet
Advanced Tools for ITER Tritium Plant System Modeling and Design, 2020, Fusion Science and Technology
J. M. Nougués , J. A. Feliu , G. Campanyà , E. Iraola , L. Batet , L. Sedano
Implementation of quasi-2D magnetohydrodynamic mixed convection solver for incompressible flows in liquid metal channels, 2020, Proceedings of CFD with OpenSource Software
E. Iraola